Saturday, March 6, 2010

Film Review-Alice in Wonderland

Okay, how can I start this off? Hmmmmmmmm.....Oh! I have just gotten back from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and this being a blog about different entertainment mediums, I think I should write down my opinion of it. What is my opinion of said film? Well, dear reader, you are about to find out.

I was going into this movie with a very nuetral attitude. When I had first heard about this film, I was excited as all hell. However, when the release date drew nearer and nearer, that tingly feeling known as 'doubt' was dancing in my mind about this film. I was worried that Johnny Depp's role as the Mad Hatter would overtake the movie and steal the spotlight from the main character, Alice. Then, I saw the movie.

The acting was actually really good. Johnny Depp, Crispen Glover and Mia Wasikowska played their parts well though not great. Helen Bonham Conner as the Red Queen on the other hand was quiet hammy in her performance, but I'm pretty sure that was point. Also, the dialogue of the film is rather witty and really applies a lot of appeal to the Lewis Carol fans in the audience (as far as I know).

Now here is something I really have to comment on: the flow of the story. The begining and endings are pretty coherent, but most of the rest of the film is fairly hard to follow. Maybe it could be because I really have only read bits and pieces of Lewis Carol's stories, but I don't know. It really seems like Tim Burton did his homework a little to well and put in a lot of Lewis Caroll references that might go over some people's heads.

But here is something I really loved in this movie: the visuals. Tim Burton went all out on the movie's visuals. He made Underland the magical place it was to be. The visual I was most impressed with was the Red Queen's castle. From the way one could look at it, it looks grand and beautiful on the outside, but filthy and corrupt on the inside (espeacially when you see the decapatated heads of the Queen's victims floating in her moat).

So the final verdict of this film would be that Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is enjoyable film with stunning visuals, good dialogue and fair acting. Its the story flow where this film suffers. It can be confuzzling and confounding at times and even though the film does make sense of all the questions I was asking myself throughout the movie, it could've been executed a little better. So I would say go see this movie and you'll enjoy it, though beware some of the confusing story elements if your not a Lewis Carol expert (like me).

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